Paesi visitati - Cipro
Perché a Cipro
Nel 1992 fui chiamato dall’Ing. Bellettini, nuovo Direttore Generale arrivato in azienda assieme a una grossa fetta del gruppo dirigente della Cogefar, per andare a Cipro a dirigere, per conto del consorzio di ICLA – Rizzani De Eccher, la costruzione delle opere in cls.: gallerie, ponti, sottopassi, tombini dell’Autostrada Limassol – Paphos, in subappaltato dall’Impresa Johannou and Paraskeveides, la maggiore azienda cipriota.
Il valore dei lavori era di oltre 70 mil $. Tutta l’opera consisteva nella realizzazione di 20 Km di autostrada a 2+2 corsie, più le emergenze, 12 ponti con impalcati a conci e pile cave alte fino a 60 metri realizzate con casseri rampanti, 9 sovrappassi e due gallerie lunghe 1 km cadauna scavate in calcareniti e rivestite in cls con relativi impianti d’illuminazione.
Joannou & Paraskevaides – Fondata nel 1941 – Cipro –
J&P is a large contractor in the Middle East, and since its establishment in 1941 has built a considerable number of major infrastructure projects in the area, ranging from airports to motorways to major industrial plants and hospitals.[1] The company was founded and named after two Cypriot businessmen, Stelios Joannou and George Paraskevaides.[2] Its first major contracts were for projects on Britain’s military bases on the island. [3] During the second world war, most of Nicosia’s airport was contracted to J&P.
J&P’s most notable projects include, the Seeb International Airport which was completed in 1976. Also the company has worked on: King Fahd International Airport which was completed in 1983, Abu Dhabi International Airport finished in 1981. The Rio-Antirio bridge, done in 2006, and the A1 Highway (Cyprus), completed in 1984. The company’s worldwide operations are controlled by head offices in Nicosia (Cyprus),Athens (Greece) and London (UK). In 2006 the journal Engineering News-Record ranked J&P as the 41st largest international contractor. [5]
Both founders and their families have been involved in charity [6] as well as donations to the arts[7] and education.[8] The Paraskevaidio Surgical & Transplant Foundation in Nicosia, and the Christos Stelios Joannou Foundation[9] (for the mentally handicapped) are health centres set up by the two families.
Tratto da Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cipro è un isola con una storia incredibile nella storia degli ultimi 3000 anni essendo stata crocevia di infinite culture.
Anche recentemente, è venuta all’evidenza per la sua invasione da parte della Turchia, per la entrata della parte sud nella CEE e per il tentativo di riunire le due parti con una riconciliazione nazionale.